Getting started

None at all! Anyone and everyone can do it.

Mozart started music at 3, so anytime from that age can work. However, most of our pupils start at ages 4 or 5, but it very much depends on the child.

As of this school year, the age of our students ranges from 3 to 84. Our teachers plan the learning experience individually for each pupil, taking into account things like their age, abilities, and interests. No one is ever too old to learn an instrument.
We teach all major Western Classical, Jazz, and Rock instruments. Everything you want to learn, we make it happen!
We are a NYC school covering all major areas of the city. 
Yes. During term times we hold weekly group workshops across NYC, where our pupils can build on their 1on1 lessons by learning to make music together. We also hold bi-annual student concerts, student competitions, and mock ABRSM exams!
Taking part is, of course, optional, but they can prove to be great motivational milestones for students, as they would work towards a definite and palpable end goal.
Father teaching son how to play the piano


For at home lessons, our teacher will travel to any pre-agreed location, be it your home or your office.

Online lessons can take place from anywhere with internet access.

You are free to schedule your lessons as you wish, although for good results, we recommend that you have lessons on a regular basis.

Online sessions are delivered via Zoom or Skype, arranged at a time to suit you, and can be as frequent as you like.

Just like in-person lessons, online lessons are tailored to you, and your tutor will work with you on a ‘progress plan’ to help you achieve your goals.

Yes! Online lessons are a very similar experience to in person lessons.

With a decent internet connection, online lessons are hassle-free. Using the camera and microphone built in to your smartphone, tablet or computer is sufficient.

To make sure your lessons run as smoothly as possible, it may be a good idea to check your internet connection, camera and microphone before you begin. You can easily check your internet connection online, and Zoom and Skype both have built in tools that let you test your camera and microphone.

You can cancel a lesson at any time.
However, our teachers are busy professionals, so in order to show respect for their time, we operate a strict 24h cancelation policy. If you do need to cancel within the 24h leading to your scheduled lesson, we will charge you the full amount for the lessons as if it did take place.
In the unlikely event that your teacher has to cancel a lesson, due to things such as health problems, we will either find you a replacemement teacher for the day, or if you prefer, your lesson will be rescheduled with your tutor at your earliest convenience.

Lesson and instrument costs

Beginning at $22, our lessons are the most affordable instrumental lessons available for our standard of teaching! See below for specific pricing.
Online lessons:
30min – $22 per session
45 min – $29 per session
60min – $36 per session
In person lessons:
30min – $62 per session
45 min – $70 per session
60 min – $78 per session
Prices above reflect cost of each lesson when purchased as part of a 10-lesson bundle. Pay as you go also available – prices may vary.
No matter if you are taking a guitar or a piano lesson our prices do not vary. We also offer group discounts and family packs. For more information check ‘prices‘ or contact us.

Payment is completed via our over own MuseCool Mobile App. All unused amounts are refundable upon request for up to 90 days from when the payment was made. 

You can start your musical journey with us on the website by clicking on the ‘get started’ button.

In most cases you will need an instrument to start with, but we can offer you an instrument free of charge for an entire month, to see how you like the lessons before you decide if you want to continue. 
Just let us know and we will be there for you!
Get started

Click one of the pages below to find out more

Online lessons

piano tutor helping student

Lessons at home


Online group courses