Our tutors

Having the right tutor is everything!

At MuseCool you get only the very best

  • All our tutors are music professionals trained at top conservatoires such as the Manhattan School of Music or the Juilliard School
  • Over 600 instrumental tutors that can teach at your home in all neighbourhoods of NYC
  • Proudly covering the whole spectrum of instruments, from violin and piano, to drum kits and the flute
  • Specialist tutors for young children – or ‘early life’ tutors (ages 3-6)
  • Specialist tutors for adult learners
  • Online-only tutors from only $22 per session – the cheapest price in NYC for this quality of learning

We invest in our tutors

  • Tutors are mentored and continuously developed by MuseCool
  • Special teaching qualifications like LRAM or DipABRSM
  • All our tutors are background checked
  • Remunerated according to Musicians’ Union standards
Father teaching son how to play the piano

How it works

Get started

Personalised help getting the best possible tutor for your needs

When it comes to learning an instrument, your tutor will be by far the most important and influential figure in your or your child’s musical development, so having the right person is paramount to becoming the best musician one can be and having lots of fun in the process!

One of the things that makes learning with MuseCool so great is the tremendous amount of care we take when we select the relevant tutor for each of our students. Rather than encouraging our pupils to take a shot in the dark and select an online profile, we will instead invite you to have a conversation with us about what you or your child like about music, your experience, if any, and what you wish to achieve.

Clarinet lesson at Lycaeum Music

Based on this, and anything else you might want to tell us, we will recommend you the tutor that we believe will best fit the profile and help your child achieve their goals. We’re pretty good at this, as over 96% of our students want to continue learning with their recommended tutor after their first lesson, and 83% are still learning with them after 12 months!

We are good at what we do

97% of our students continue with their recommended tutors after the first session

Students Continue

86% of our students continue studying with their recommended tutor after their first 12 months of learning

Find their tutor

'This is such an innovative and forward thinking music service, really prioritising quality and consistently inspiring musicians of all levels. Keep up the good work!'

Victoria H, 32, Wingate

'This service is amazing! The staff are welcoming, positive and professional. My child has been enjoying learning violin and has definitely shown growth since starting their lessons. Simply amazing.

Jonathan E, 43, Bronx

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'The teachers at MuseCool are very professional and welcoming. They do a really good job teaching the children and are passionate about what they teach. My son enjoyed every minute'

T JB, 30, Allerton

'The teachers were very helpful, kind and patient with the children. The teachers were excellent and so much was learnt in a short time'

Viviane A, 39, Queens

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